You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better. ~ Anne Lamott

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I've Got Sunshine On A Cloudy Day

(Originally posted on my old blog "The Domestication of a Punk Rock Foodie" on May 30, 2010)

Lately, there have been a lot of cloudy days. Cloudy health days, cloudy family days, cloudy friend days, cloudy job that I can barely muster up the energy to go to days, and cloudy shitty boy days. What's more troubling are the cloudy I don't want to read or write or do anything remotely creative days.

This does not compute.

What the hell is this block about? What is this indecision and reluctance stuff?

What would Tom Jones do?

What's new pussycat? Whoooooaaaaaaaa-ooooo-ooo...

... brown hair that might be a big ol' bag of nooooooooo....

... pretty red shoes that make all the kids jealous (Note the Denver Hayes tags. I really really did get them from Mark's)....

... after seventeen years, these two finally did the paperwork...

... and these two got all princessy for the special day....

... le sigh...

... this weekend, it snowed....

May 30th and it is snowing.

At this point, I do not even know where to direct my complaints. It is at least our second snow "event" (when did weather become an event??) this month and quite frankly speaking, I was over it before it began. Snow, people. Mutha effin' snow.

The tropics aren't even an option anymore. No. They have become all earthquakey and typhoonie and other weather that wants to make you dead.

You have to know its bad out there when my nieces look out the window with a degree of disgust reserved for when they have to scrape dog poo off their sandals.

"Auntie, this is what you mean when you say something sucks a big bag of bo-bo, right"

Actually, Auntie thinks it sucks a bag of dicks.

"That's right sweetie, a big bag of bo-bo. Want some breakfast?"

Coffee (for Auntie's only)
Mango Papaya Smoothie
Sun Drop Bagels

Brew it. Mainline it. Purrrrrrrrr.

Disclaimer: I do not receive money or gifts from and this picture in no way a promotion. I just really dig the architecture of the cup and what is in it. However, should you be interested in an artwork campaign by public figures from the likes of Ronnie Wood (who designed this particular coffee mug) to Georgio Armani to Desmond Tutu to Renzo Piano, that raises money and awareness for charities all over the world, go here.  Click on "Artwork & Product Gallery" to see some really interesting original pieces of art created to raise cash money for causes that help out those who can't always help themselves.


Serves three.

(You will need a Magic Bullet with a blender attachment for this recipe. A food processor will work as well.)

1 c. milk (I've used Dairyland Plus 1% Lactose Free Milk cos I like the smoothies but the milk doesn't like me)
1/2 c. Activia vanilla yogurt
1/2 c. frozen mango
1 c. frozen papaya

-pour the milk and yogurt in the blender and give it a quick blend on the bullet
-add frozen fruit one cube at a time as this will make it easier for the bullet to blend your smoothie
-blend to desired consistency
-pour in cups, add a straw or spoon, get lost in the yummy goodness


(Serves 3)

3 - 100% whole wheat or whole grain bagels (I've used Dempster's Body Wise 100% Whole Grain bagels... half the calories, all the yum yum)
3 tsp. Philadelphia Low Fat Cream Cheese (95% fat free, we likey)
3 oz. marbled cheddar cheese

-slice the bagels and toast lightly
-spread one teaspoon (very thinly) on each bagel
-tear the marbled cheddar into bits
-top each bagel with an ounce of the cheddar cheese
-put the bagels on a plate and place in the microwave to melt the cheese
-set your timer for 20 seconds and turn on your microwave
-depending on the strength of your microwave, you may wish to continue melting the cheese; melt in 10 second intervals so you don't scorch the cheese and turn the bagel into a whole wheat piece of rubber