You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better. ~ Anne Lamott

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Easiest Snack Ever

Aside from smashing the almonds, the most labour intensive part of this snack is eating it.


Makes one snack wrap.

1 - 6 inch tortilla
1 tsp. low fat cream cheese
1 tbsp. raisins
4 almonds, smashed

-spread cream cheese to about half a centimetre away from the edge of the tortilla
-on a cutting board, smash almonds; using the heel of your hand, apply pressure to the blade of a knife that has been laid sideways over an almond

-apply pressure until you feel the almond being crushed or alternatively, give it some muscle like you would if you were crushing garlic; you could use sliced almonds here but this is good for getting the stress out
-mix raisins with almonds and sprinkle in the middle of the tortilla, leaving about a centimetre of space from the sides
-carefully fold the bottom of the tortilla towards the centre of the almond raisin mixture

-fold the left side of the tortilla towards the middle

-fold the right towards the middle

-roll from the bottom to the top

Nutritional information (click to view full size):