You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better. ~ Anne Lamott

Monday, May 23, 2011

Put A Bag On This

Censorship sucks.  So do you, Barnes and Noble.

Not everyone "gets" art.  Not everyone "gets" Radiohead either but you are still a friend of mine.

Barnes and Noble, you are not my friends any more.  Oh, you will sell Maxim, Men's Fitness, and Muscles and Fitness, all showing covers full of boobies and nipples, but you want to treat this magazine cover like its porn and put a paper bag over it:

Alright.  So an "androgynous" man appears on Dossier's cover, made to look like a woman.  Am I the only person who saw the Adam's apple?  Am I the only one who saw that this is actually a man?

Barnes and Noble have had a Republican sized shit fit because this is a man with his boobies out and that man not only looks like a woman but kinda lives like one too.  Must.  Be.  Covered.  Up.

Ohhhhh, how provocative.

We have never seen this before.

No.  The world never had a Boy George or a Pete Burns, right?  Middle America better crawl back up its own ass to save itself.  It does not want to get any of this androgyny stuff all over it.  Because that would suck. And it would also mean we are no longer living in the 1950's.

Skye Parrott, Dossier's co-founder and creative director spoke to, stating:
               "We knew that this cover presented a very strong,
                androgynous image, and that could make some
                some people uncomfortable.  That's partly why
                we chose it.  I guess it made some people pretty
You know what made me pretty uncomfortable?  Mariah with her tits out on Ok! Magazine.  The very same Ok! Magazine Barnes and Noble stocks.  It made me want to projectile vomit.  Now, her husband type's hands are covering the nipply parts, but what say you, Barnes and Noble, to all the man cleavage and nips on the cover of Muscle and Fitness?  Androgyny, bad.  Steroids, good?  Mariah, still relevant?

Pull your head out, Barnes and Noble.  You are suffocating yourself.

If you, as an adult, don't know the difference between art, porn, and trash, then I cannot help you.  If you refuse to teach the children in your life the difference and instead prefer censorship to education, I cannot help you.

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