You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better. ~ Anne Lamott

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Best Thing About The Super Bowl

Right now, Janet Jackson is high fiving everyone she knows and has begun praying at the altar of M. I. A.

I cannot wait for the world to cave in.  It is going to be ahmayzing.  Who knew it would take just one finger.

Oh how I do love me some M. I. A.

Now, I'm sure that Madonna will take credit for the whole thing.  Let her.  The song is shite and she should be giving herself the middle finger for ever releasing it publicly.  I still have not figured out how Ms. Minaj and M. I. A. appeared on this song but that is another discussion for a different blog.

If Madonna were truly as controversial and provocative as she and her marketing people want us to believe she is, she would have made this song.

It is time Madge.  Shut the hell up and let M. I. A. do her thing.