You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better. ~ Anne Lamott

Monday, July 4, 2011

I Blame Cath And Amy

Am back.  On Facebook.  Ugh.  I feel like I just handed over every shred of decency I have to Mark Zuckerberg and he is doing unspeakable things to it.  This better work better than it did last time girls!

Yes, I remember what I said about Facebook and all its co-conspirators last year.  I still stand by that.  I have even more arguments against it (planking, homicide due to wall posts and Farmville) now and, quite frankly speaking, cannot wait until the next thing comes along.  Oh sit down Justin "I just bought MySpace" Timberlake.  Best you will do is piss YouTube off.  This business of you trying to be an actor and trying to relive your Social Network days makes you look silly, cheesy, and deficient.  I digress...

Are we fighting yet, Amy?

As a precaution, I have created an account that is part my name, part not.  So if you want to add me as a friend, and if I think you will not stalk my life and irritate the fuck out of me with your narcissistic wannabe bullshit are worthy, I will add you.  You can email me privately for further information.

If I do not respond to your email or add request, I want you to give some really deep thought as to why I have not before you blast me about it and start calling me all the bitches under the sun in your news feed, status box, etc.  I mean really really deep thought.  And then choose my answer(s) from the following list that best apply to you (and they do):
a] I am not interested in your drama.
b] I am not interested in you stalking my life.
c] I really just tolerate you because I find myself in socialized situations where I am required to or I may loose my job.
d] You are a friendwhore, we are not now nor will we ever be friends, and I would not be caught dead on your friends list.
e] Your "join this club" invitations and all the other spam you posted on my wall last time I was on Facebook created so much spam I had to abandon a much loved email address.  Fuck off with the invites, I can join myself.
f] We may be related but that does not mean I like you or would consider you a "friend".
g] You bore me with your feeble and pathetic attempts to look cool.  If you really were as cool as you want me to think you are, if your life was as cool as you attempt to project onto me, you would understand that cool never ever tries.  Cool just is.