You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better. ~ Anne Lamott

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy 2013

2012 was a rough one and I'm certainly glad it is over.

As the year came to an end, things have started to look up.  That whole end of the world thing did not happen (worst apocalypse EVER), and I discovered online shopping really is the only way to go when one is doing their Christmas shopping (read the fine print so you do not get beat down by a courier looking for brokerage and customs taxes).

There are no resolutions this year.  It really seems rather pointless and feels like I am setting myself up for failure.  "Do better" is this year's mantra... just do better and be better, in all ways.

One of those ways is my commitment to getting those Pinterest projects done.  Tonight I made this very moist very delicious chicken.  Quick hint: make sure the chicken breasts are snug in the baking dish or the topping will slide off as the chicken comes close to being cooked.  This chicken goes great with pasta and vegetables like asparagus, mushrooms, onions, and peppers.

PS: Glad your back Captain Celery.  I have missed you dearly and love you still.  This year is our year.