You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better. ~ Anne Lamott

Sunday, January 19, 2014

I Don't Believe In Your God And That Makes Me A Liar?

My atheism is not predicated on hate, anger, or a disagreement with the Judeo-Christian version of God.  He and I are not at odds.  To me, he is a myth which I am not at war with.  And before you suggest I am on the "dark side", please know I do not spend my free time sitting in a pentagram, channelling evil.

I searched for years and could not find any real tangible evidence for "his" existence that did not require me to suspend beliefs that I knew to be right and true in order to embrace those myths championed in the bible that extol his virtues and existence.  Yes, myth.  Read about Horus and Mithra, for a start, and you if you are honest with yourself, you will begin to see parallels that make that whole bible thing look like history's best work of plagiarism.

Now, if you have real, tangible proof that can be evidenced in reality and tested by empirical science, show me and I may actually change my mind.  Do not point to me and say god made me.  My parents having sex without using birth control made me.

Until that time, if that time ever occurs, please do not act like you are a better person than I am or that you have keys to some magical kingdom that makes you more entitled than the rest of us.  I do not need a book full of what I consider to be fairy tales to be a good person.  You consistently break vows and promises you make to "him".  You sin.  Just like the rest of us.

Whenever you elevate yourself upon your self-made pedestal remember this, you look like a fool and we all know that you have shaped your beliefs to be entirely altogether too congenial and convenient in order to absolve yourself of any real responsibility for your actions or accountability for the harm you cause.

Exactly who is the liar?