You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better. ~ Anne Lamott

Thursday, August 5, 2010

I Was Going To Post A Food Blog Tonight...

... but ended up losing a few hours on Fubiz.  The pics and videos are lovely.  And some are NSFWAK (and kiddies, come on, keep up!)

OK, I lost a lot of  hours.  The site is in French and English and defaults to Francais so you have to select "EN" up in the top right hand corner for the English version of the site.  Je parle une peut francais mais tres mal.  Tres tres mal.  So mal, Paris just embargoed me.  Which totally sucks cos I want to go there to learn how to make pastry, hang out at the Louvre and flirt with a cleanly shaven Sam Worthington in le jardin de wherever he wants.

I mean, really, how can you resist?

But I digress.

The coolest helmets in the world are at Fubiz.  Watermelon and motorbikes.  Not a pairing I would imagine but it works.