You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better. ~ Anne Lamott

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I'm On The Right Track Baby

Oh Gags... what we gonna do about you?

I do love you.  You manage to stay relevant even if your music isn't so much revolutionary as it a version 2.0 of Madonna and Cyndi Lauper.  You bring two of my favourite things together: chair dancing and sociology.

The meat dress.  Was it really a statement or did you do it just because you could get away with it?  Sometimes I wonder if that is your gig; let's see how much bollox you can thrust upon the world and how much of it the world will consume.  If I were in your position, I would push that shit as far as I could, just to see how far consumers will let a celebutante go.  I wonder if they know you are laughing on the inside.

I watched you awkwardly climb out of a fiberglass egg people are saying you lived for three days.  I call bullshit but the minivan majority gobbled it up.  Or the monsters.  Whichever.  Well done Mi'Lady.

I held back the laughter when you accepted some award on some award show and said "Born This Way" was inspired by Whitney Houston.  You had people believing the fake tears, the fake accent, the fake shoulder protrusions.  Quick somebody get the whiskey and the tea cup.

The new video is going to piss off a lot of people.  But you like it like that, don't you?  I'm totally up in the pink hair and I think you need to whip it harder.  Not sure about the underwear parts.  Haven't you already done that?  Bit old, non?

The schtick is bigger than the music.  And I kinda dig that.

Maybe we shouldn't do anything and just see how far this thing will go.

PS: Are you birthing that gun or riding it?