You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better. ~ Anne Lamott

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Thy Will Be Done

I do not pretend to understand the universe; it will always have its secrets and I will not always be privy to it's inner workings.

Yes, yes, this is me admitting I do not know everything.  Truth is, I know very little.

What I do know is this...

The universe unfolds as it should and neither you nor I can or should try to control that.  Call it destiny, call it fate, call it the path you are on, call it whatever you want, it is all happening as it should.  If you cannot find you way or you lose your way, the mere act of handing yourself over to the universe will grant you resolve.  But beware.  The universe does not always give you what you want but it will give you what you need.  Do not be greedy.  Accept what comes and understand that the universe is serving your best interests.

Don't believe me?  Think this is just more of my zen floating Buddha talk?  Chew on this: three nights ago I found myself at a crossroads with no answers to the questions I was asking myself, literally exasperated with where I was at.  I handed it all over to the universe and simply said, "Thy will be done."

It was done.

Welcome back Captain Celery.  I have missed you.  I have always loved you.

I have also asked the universe to arrange it so that you will never show up anywhere I am dressed in a Borat mankini.  I don't care how sexy your furry nipples are!