You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better. ~ Anne Lamott

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Random Sauce, Part Three

When I call you to talk to you about something very serious in nature, masturbating in my ear as a response is not only unflattering, it is rude and incredibly immature.
Sometimes the truth comes in large doses that are unbearable. And sometimes unloading the truth, while it may cause suffering, unloads a burden. That fucks with my Buddhist sensibilities but there comes a time when my self preservation is more important than your ego.
Thank you for showing me what I am made of. Sometimes I forget about the strength that dwells within. Thanks for reminding me that I can be confident and live in a world that I created, that I own, and that is bullshit free.
Remember the third date rule ladies. Its a good way to weed out the frogs from the princes. And men folk, do not think that because the third date is over that its business time.
Stop. Before you go any further into your life, get your mobile phone/cellular device out, write down all your contacts and their information, and email it to yourself. You are most welcome.  Seriously, you will be thanking me when you lose/misplace/destroy your phone.  Trust.