You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better. ~ Anne Lamott

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Doggie Daycare

Really? This is where we are at as a civilization? People are dying because they aren't getting enough clean water to drink but you have a crisis and nuclear melt down because you are late and have to leave work early to pick Tickles up at doggie daycare after it's spa treatments.


I used to have a dog. She was the best.  She never got doggie daycare.  I'm not at all down with the doggie daycare business. By today's standards, this makes me a horrible pet owner and quite frankly unfit to own a dog.

Remember back in the day when you got a dog and you spent the time to train it to shit outside and not invest in pee pads or doggie diapers so it could roam freely around the house shitting and pissing wherever it wanted because you are to damn lazy to train the animal? Remember when you sat out in the yard and combed your dog out yourself? Remember when you had to fight with the dog to get it in and out of the tub to bathe it and had to wear a bathing suit because you were going to be drenched by the end of it?  Remember when your house didn't smell like a barn?

I was 14 when I got my dog.  I was lectured about poop patrol and feeding times.  I was given a bag full of brushes and clippers and told I had all summer to get the dog trained; there would be no shitting or pissing in the house and by September, the dog better know how to let everyone else know she needed out to do her thing.

I had to spend the time training her, bathing her, combing her out.  I didn't have a choice.  And that bitch hated to be groomed even though that was the extent of her luxury life.  Okay, maybe she did indulge in human food and when she curled up in bed with you, made damn sure she had pillow and blankie too.  But there was no such thing as a doggie daycare.

When I had a dog, dog owners actually trained and took care of their dogs.  All by themselves.  Dogs shat outside, you had a shovel by the shed for poop patrol and grass seed for the spots burnt on the lawn from dog piss, and owners were full of dog hair after the once a week brush out.  The.  End.

When did we get to dogs requiring daycare?  Weekly doggie day care. And not just any doggie daycare, kids. No, that would be so gauche, so kennel, so uncouth and just plain uncivilized. I'm hearing tales of canine spa treatments... pedicures and massages... because the dog suffers from anxiety and the drugs from the veterinarian just aren't getting the job done any more and it is allergic to...

... the hell?

Sometimes, it is really hard to like other human beings.