You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better. ~ Anne Lamott

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Portabello Mushroom Pizzas

I am a huge fan of the portabello mushroom.  Huge.  I would eat them with every meal if I could and never get bored of them.  Sliced and sauteed in a bit of lemon juice, oyster sauce, and soy sauce... you now have a side for just about any protein you serve.

Later today I'm going to gorge myself on Thanksgiving turkey dinner, so a light lunch is in order.  Portabello pizzas are perfect for such an occasion.

For all of you who live in Canada, Happy Thanksgiving!  Gobble Gobble!


Makes two pizzas.

2 medium to large sized portabello mushroom caps, stem removed
1 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
1/4 c. pizza sauce
2 spring onions, diced
1/4 cheese of choice, grated (I use either skim mozzarella or Kraft's Four Cheese Italiano), divided in half

-preheat oven to 350 degrees
-wash mushroom caps and pat dry; leave to dry gills side down for about 10 minutes
-after the mushrooms have dried, lightly brush the cap side of the mushroom with olive oil and put cap side down in a baking dish
-bake for 15 minutes
-remove the mushroom caps from the oven and pat dry with paper towel if there is excess moisture in the gills (super important or your pizza with be soupy)
-put two teaspoons of pizza sauce in each cap
-top with onions (and any other toppings you desire)
-top each mushroom with cheese
-return to the oven for five minutes
-after five minutes, turn the oven temperature to broil and broil until the cheese has melted to your liking