You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better. ~ Anne Lamott

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Jelly Bean


Once upon a time, you were three and this big...

You were so tough Master Sadler asked two of the black belt men to hold boards while you broke them with  your tiny bare feet...

Then you grew up some more...

... and you still looked tough.

As you grew older, you became a little girlier...

Today you are twelve and have become a little woman...

And now for some advice on this important birthday...

Be you.  Most of the heroes you have right now are children who have been pimped by their parents to companies like Disney.  And I know you are watching them fall, one by one.  Don't design who you are based on how you are marketed to by companies like Disney.  You are way smarter than that.  You have already forgotten that Duff kid and Miley Cyrus is pretty much a skank who is dead to you.  Don't let who you are about to become be based on a passing phase.  And yes, Justin Bieber will be a cringe worthy memory some day in the not too distant future.  For really.  Don't believe me?  Two words.  Jonas.  Brothers.

I know you are an honours student who has never had a grade lower than a B.  You are super smart but there may come a day when the grade you get is a C.  Do not let that be the end of your world or overshadow the success you have already achieved.

Real friends will never use you as an ATM machine or a door mat.

Never settle.  Not in choosing jeans, not in love, not in anything.  Ever.

Take the high road.  Even if it gives you a nose bleed and altitude sickness.

Read every day.  Write and draw when  you are inspired.  Dance like no one is watching you.  When you are playing  your guitar or clarinet, slow down.  Hit the notes and the spaces in between.  The spaces are just as important as the notes.

Always cook with love.  Even if it is just toast and peanut butter.  Food always tastes better when it is made with love and the people you are cooking for will always know the difference.  Even if it is just toast and peanut butter.

Integrity.  Dignity.  Self respect.  Self worth.  Truth.  You are entitled to these things and you never have to apologize for that.

Listen to your body.  When you are sick, rest.  When you are tired, go to sleep.  When you are happy, sing out.

Just because a boy may like you, it does not mean you are obligated to like him back or be his girlfriend.  It is okay to be flattered by the attention, but waiting for the right boy is always worth it.

Boys hate lip gloss.  To them its just plain sticky, smelly, and gross.

And have a very merry very Happy Birthday!

PS:  I love you dearly, but if I ever catch you causing trouble or getting wasted (booze and drugs both count), the consequences are really going to suck for you.  Like epic suck.  Like the kind of suck that will make anything cops do seem like a slap on the wrists and a pat on the head.  Ya, you should be afraid.  Just sayin' ;)