You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better. ~ Anne Lamott

Saturday, November 13, 2010

It Is Not Your Birthday

(Written on November 12, 2010 at 9:18 am at work)

The birthday girl wanted Boston cream donuts and that is what she got. And croissants because she likes those too.  I have spent two months trying to find out what kind of cake she wanted.  I finally had to break down and ask her what she wanted.  She did not want cake.  She wanted Boston cream donuts.  Because she was craving them.  It is what SHE wanted.

I didn't buy plain donuts for the people who don't like donuts with chocolate on them because it is not their birthday. If it was, and I had drawn their name in the office birthday cake draw, I would have got them exactly what they wanted.  This particular birthday cake draw is not about what YOU want.

It is not your birthday.

So go back to your office and pout. Like you are doing right now.  Even though we waited for you for an extra half hour because you were upstairs in a meeting.  We waited because we knew you would be pissed off if we did not wait.  We waited because we did not want to have to deal with your pissocity.

Come to think of it, you are always pissed off.

This is why I do not go for lunch with you any more.  Or do anything with you outside of work.  Lately, you are not happy until you have annihilated someone.  I grew tired of that someone being me about six months ago.

Here's a big mushroom print for your forehead.

PS:  I will be wearing the blue cardigan set I bought about a month ago.  Weekly.  I don't care if you have the cardigan.  I didn't buy it to steal your thunder.  I didn't even know you owned it.  Quite frankly, it is way classier than the tat you usually buy.  I bought that colour because it wasn't purple.  Like the purple set I already own.

Your girl drama is getting really old.