You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better. ~ Anne Lamott

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

He's Bringin' Hanson Back

My cousin Brad is an awesome guy.

Sure, he's a Leaf's fan, had a bit of the Bieber Fever, and he almost became a golf pro, but he's a stand up guy who, no matter the distance, I know he has my back.

His taste in music is, well, politely put, sketchy.

He punished me for not going to the Bon Jovi concert with him by neglecting to tell me that he had tickets to Lady Gaga.

I went to see Lady Gaga.

You whaaaa?

The Gaga.  I saw her.  Fucking fantastic.

This is punishment for not going to Jovi with you, isn't it?

Yes.  Yes it is.

But I couldn't do it... the permed  hair, the purple tin foil coat in a cherry picker, throwing roses to fans in Brazil killed it for me years ago.  He's still singing about Tommy and Gina.


And now there's this:

No, Brad.  You are NOT bringing Hanson back.

Somewhere a Blues Brother is weeping.