You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should have behaved better. ~ Anne Lamott

Monday, November 8, 2010

Happy Birthday To You Miss Madison

(Originally posted on my old blog "The Domestication of a Punk Rock Foodie" on April 28, 2010)

Somehow, along the way, this child...

became this child...

Maddie, this week you turn six. I’m going to get all clichĂ© and say that I remember the day you were born. Because I do. I remember sitting in the hospital, holding you, praying to a god I no longer believe in that I didn’t break you. If I had only known how tough you would grow up to be, I would not have been so nervous.

For the first few years of your life you really didn’t want to have much to do with me. I was alright with that because I knew at some point you would realize how cool an auntie I am. I do not remember when you finally came around but you have more than made up for the time you had me on “ignore”.

Now for the profound stuff.

Part of me died a bit when you told me that I had to stop calling you Baby Girl. Yes, I know, you were all big and stuff and going to kindergarten with your Barbie back pack but the truth is, you will always be Baby Girl to me. Deal with it!

Never loose your inner balance. I will never forget when you were four and trying yoga for the first time. You leaned over and whispered “Look Auntie, I’ve found my inner balance.” I lost my balance but the loss of concentration and fits of laughter were worth it. Always keep your balance. And breathe. Deep yoga breaths will rescue you.

Always remember to stop and listen to the wind. When it kisses the leaves on trees and blows through the long grass be actively aware that you are a part of a world that will amaze you if you just stop to listen.

Stop cheating at bocce. And footie. And horseshoes. And Mario Cart. Auntie used to lose on purpose so you would know what it was like to win and feel a sense of accomplishment. Now, I can lose just fine on my own. You don’t have to cheat to kick my butt.

I will always love you and be proud of you. We princesses have to stick together!

PS: When you have wings, never be afraid to fly. And dance. And sing. Like no one is looking!